Our Network –
Qualified partners for your cleaning process

We would like to acknowledge our many partner companies, 是什么始终如一地支持我们为您的部件清洁任务和365betapp下载提供最佳性能.

In addition, 我们为您提供有趣的资源和网站,提供有关工业清洗技术各个方面的全面信息, cleaning chemicals and parts handling.

工业零件清洗贸易协会(FiT)促进研究之间的交流, development and application of industrial cleaning technology. The center of all activities of the FiT are its committees and working groups, in which the knowledge of the industry is collected, prepared and made available to different target groups. Through regular trainings, 研讨会和会议,业内专业人士不断获得资格并配备必要的工具. FiT的任务还包括在国家和欧洲一级代表专业和政治利益. With more than 70 members, “零件清洗领航员”是最大的工业零件清洗能力网络之一,代表了工厂工程领域的知名公司, chemistry, analytics as well as users and research institutions.

fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG has over thirty years' experience in designing, organizing and holding market-based and subject-based technical trade fairs, seminars and trade congresses. Especially in parts cleaning, deburring technologies and precision surfaces, also in cooperation with FiT - Fachverband industrielle Teilreinigung e.V., we offer a wide range of knowledge transfer and qualification services.

The Association represents the interests of the industry and serves 1,350 companies and 54,500 employees. 它致力于让患者快速获得创新和高质量的标准. Swiss Medtech also initiates specialised training programmes, challenges rising levels of regulation, and pushes for free trade and fair tariffs. Together with its specialist groups and partners, 协会致力于为瑞士境内的研究和其他专业活动提供有利的条件和有吸引力的环境. Swiss Medtech supports and advises its members on regulatory, legal, and collective bargaining issues, 并定期提供最新的经济和政治发展. 进一步的活动包括组织活动和会议——例如瑞士医疗技术日. 行业内的网络也将继续是协会的一个重要焦点.

MedicalMountains GmbH是一家为医疗技术领域的所有关键参与者提供网络和支持的组织. MedicalMountains GmbH倡导对话,结合优势,创造交流平台. 通过战略和系统协调,实现合作和协同增效, 国家和国际伙伴尤其为中小型企业提供重要的知识和技术优势.

As an independent knowledge and network organization, 50多年来,microcentrum一直致力于技术制造业的培训, Events and Business. microcentrum提供超过170个(技术)课程,每年组织6个贸易展览会, 5 business events and 15 thematic events. In addition to these activities, Mikrocentrum offers companies a membership of the High Tech Platform, which now consists of 600 members. The aim is to increase knowledge, expand networks, 通过与大型工业组织网络的紧密合作,改进业务流程并加强公司的竞争地位, (semi) governments, knowledge and educational institutions.

欧洲薄膜研究协会(EFDS)是一个非营利性协会,活跃于薄膜技术领域. 办事处位于德累斯顿——欧洲半导体工业的中心和真空工程的重要中心.

EFDS由其成员公司和机构及其个人成员以及10名董事会成员代表, numerous members of the advisory board and the specialist committees, 1 national coordinator and 4 employees in the office.

制造技术协会(MTA)是英国制造技术行业公司的贸易协会. MTA members design, manufacture and supply the advanced machinery, 设备和知识产权使我们能够创造我们每天依赖的产品,并推动我们的经济发展. Key aspects of manufacturing technology include; machine tools, cutting tools, metrology (measuring) equipment, additive manufacturing (3D printing), surface finishing, robotics and computer aided design and manufacturing products (CAD/CAM), 以及实现制造业数字化的技术——第四次工业革命. The MTA delivers: marketing support and networking opportunities; specific and relevant economic and technical information; representation to Government and other stakeholders; help for exporters; and support for learning and development within member companies and beyond. MTA拥有和运行马赫,英国首屈一指的事件,以展示制造技术.

制造业清洁协会是一个由制造业和工业清洁专业人士组成的社区, sharing and learning from each other. Its mission is to provide world-class educational and training opportunities, 为制造业和工业清洁专业人士创建独特而引人入胜的网络活动,并建立并保持严格的工业标准,以回答“清洁是如何清洁的”这个问题?”. 制造业清洁协会希望展示和分享其不同成员的专业知识. The Industry Standards collection includes articles, 白皮书和资源由马华会员提供,专家分享信息,使行业更强大. Before posting to the collection, 所有内容都是由MCA的技术咨询委员会精心策划的.

表面技术的贸易杂志《365bet》提供关于金属的功能性和装饰性365betapp下载的最新主题的信息, plastic, glass and wood. Through its exclusive articles, background reports, 表面技术报告和365bet杂志为专业人士和决策者提供面向行业的信息.

ICT is the supplement of ipcm® dedicated to industrial cleaning, metal polishing, mass metal finishing, super-finishing, shotpeening, and surface preparation in general. 信息和通信技术提供有关新技术应用的成功故事和技术案例研究, technical articles covering all aspects of industrial parts cleaning, industry news and market overviews. Its readership is made by Decision-Makers of OEMs, manufacturers of components for different industrial fields, 以及金属精加工车间,它们必须为零件提供高洁净度. 此外,研究机构、大学中心和实验室也阅读ICT.


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